Thank you for joining us for our production of Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice. This play has been one of the most produced shows throughout the country in the past five years, and we are delighted to bring it here for your enjoyment. Part of Sarah Ruhl’s success is her lean, almost film like dialogue. Her very idiosyncratic voice has taken the classic Greek myth or Orpheus and Eurydice and turned it, skewed it to reflect the feminine perspective while adding a touch of Alice in Wonderland and Dorothy in the land of Oz. Eurydice explores the life circle of love, memory of experiences, death and the world of the afterlife in a highly evocative and theatrical style that is both entertaining and provocative.
My very special thanks to the cast, crew and design team for joining me on this challenging journey and for their outstanding realization of Sarah Ruhl’s world. We hope you enjoy our efforts.
As you all know these are difficult times for everyone and that is especially true for the non-profit artistic world. As some of your know the Grand has been gradually exploring new programming choices to develop and expanded audience base. If you enjoy this production please tell your friends, colleagues and family to come see if and support our efforts to bring exciting, high quality theatrical productions to our community at affordable prices.
Again thank you for your patronage and watch for our production of Bingo: The Musical this coming May. Bingo was an off-Broadway hit and is great entertainment. Also watch for our 2010-2011 season announcement and please plan on joining us and enjoying our grand efforts.
Thank you,
Richard Scott